The Narrative Design Corner


While my specialization is in worldbuilding, it is through narrative and characterization that my worlds are lived-in, authentic, and interesting.

Whether for fiction or branding, I both literally and figuratively paint moods, themes, environments, and concepts to tell a story.

My experience in games and animation aesthetics also informs memorable dialogue and comprehensive copy -- please have a look, and enjoy these short samples!

Writing Samples

Sword Experiment
In under 30 minutes, I created ten descriptions for ten different swords, limiting myself to roughly 20 words per item. Bonus imagery was created by me.

Twine story: Congratulations!
Congratulations! You are born a Triangle in a Square world.

RPG Sample Quest
(Under Construction)

Story Excerpts
Short sections from various personal projects.

A six-page opener for a comic series I wrote and illustrated in 2016.

Included here are two screenplays: a pilot episode for an animation series called Quantum Stars, and a pilot epsiode for live action television pitch I created in 2016.